Hollywood is full of loudmouth liberals who are constantly attacking President Donald Trump. Ron Perlman is one of these liberals, and he recently took to Twitter to slam Trump for destroying the legacy of Barack Obama, but it didn’t take long for this to backfire on him.
On Sunday, Perlman became totally unhinged on Twitter in his vile rant against the president.
“Yo lil donnie, know this… A black man beat you in every single f***ing department; better looking than you, better leader than you, bigger heart than you, better president than you, smarter, kinder, funnier, every f***ing thing you can measure. You only win one; disgrace,” Perlman tweeted, according to Daily Wire. “Ripping apart his legacy, dismantling the amazing improvements and protections bestowed on the people of this country might be what you need to make you feel like a man, but all it leads to is bankruptcy. Like everything else you touched.”
Yo lil donnie, know this… A black man beat you in every single fucking department; better looking than you, better leader than you, bigger heart than you, better president than you, smarter, kinder, funnier, every fucking thing you can measure. You only win one; disgrace.
— Ron Perlman (@perlmutations) July 1, 2018
Ripping apart his legacy, dismantling the amazing improvements and protections bestowed on the people of this country might be what you need to make you feel like a man, but all it leads to is bankruptcy. Like everything else you touched. https://t.co/KLLB03dCDk
— Ron Perlman (@perlmutations) July 1, 2018
Way to keep it classy, Ronny!
Actor Adam Baldwin is one of the few conservatives left in Hollywood, and when he saw what Perlman had to say, he knew he had to fire back at him. Baldwin took to his own Twitter account to shut Perlman down with a brutal dose of logic and reason.
“How could he have ripped Obama’s legacy apart so fast if that legacy was constitutionally sound?” Baldwin wrote.
How could he have ripped Obama’s legacy apart so fast if that legacy was constitutionally sound? ?https://t.co/8A0IKO0ZBh
— Adam Baldwin (@AdamBaldwin) July 2, 2018
In the end, wealthy Hollywood liberals do not like Trump because he did not become president to help fill their pockets. Trump has always made it clear that he does not care about Hollywood elitists and instead is trying to help real working class Americans. It’s time for these ignorant Hollywood liberals to keep their mouths shut and allow Trump to continue doing what needs to be done to make this country great again!
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