Mark Wahlberg is one of the only openly Christian stars in Hollywood, and in a new interview, the 51 year-old Father Stu star is opening up about why he refuses to “shy away” from his strong Catholic faith.

Wahlberg Talks Christian Faith

“It’s just the most important aspect of my life,” Wahlberg told Fox News of his faith. “It’s the most important thing. It’s afforded me all the things that I’ve been able to accomplish in my life — my faith, my discipline.”

Wahlberg also discussed how his Christian faith has impacted his career and his specific acting roles. 

“I’ve always said that I hope God is a movie fan,” Wahlberg said. “I mean, I’ve made some movies, whether it be Boogie Nights or even Ted where, you know, they could be a bit questionable. But I also don’t want to compromise my artistic integrity. But as a parent and as a husband, those things definitely weigh into my decision-making. But I do like taking chances and risks.”

“But I also was really proud of making a movie that was a love letter to my faith,” he added, referring to Father Stu. 

Father Stu 

Father Stu is a 2022 biographical drama that is based on the real-life redemption story of Stuart Long, a former boxer who found his calling in life by becoming a Catholic priest. After the movie came out, Wahlberg expressed his hopes that fans would take an uplifting message from the film.

“In these difficult times, we’re all dealing with struggle and loss, and mortality is inevitable,” he explained. “I thought it was a movie that would really help people understand and embrace that and know that we’re all going to suffer a little bit.”

“But there is a bigger purpose and a bigger reason for that,” Wahlberg continued. “And what little suffering we’re going through, other people may be having much more difficulties and much bigger suffering and problems that they have to deal with. I just wanted to share that with people.”

Wahlberg went on to say that the world needs movies like Father Stu now more than ever. 

“People need to have faith and hope,” Wahlberg said. “I just knew that I needed to make this movie, and this was my calling and this was my mission. And, now, it’s needed more than ever.”

Related: Mark Wahlberg Debuts Radical Body Transformation For Faith-Based Role In ‘Father Stu’

Wahlberg Admits His Faith Is ‘Not Popular’ In Hollywood

Daily Mail reported that Wahlberg admitted last month that Christianity is “not popular” in Hollywood, though he was quick to add that denying it would be “an even bigger sin.”

“I have always talked about my faith,” Wahlberg said on Ash Wednesday. “It’s a balance. I don’t wanna jam it down anybody’s throat, but I do not deny my faith.”

“That’s an even bigger sin,” he continued. “You know, it’s not popular in my industry, but, you know, I cannot deny my faith. It’s important for me to share that with people.”

Not stopping there, Wahlberg proceeded to talk about how much his faith means to him.

“It’s everything, it’s afforded me so many things,” he stated. “God didn’t come to save the saints, he came to save the sinners. We’ve all had issues in our lives and we want to be better versions of ourselves, and through focusing on my faith, it’s allowed me to do that.”

Related: Mark Wahlberg Refuses To Deny His Christian Faith Even Though It’s ‘Not Popular’ In Hollywood

Wahlberg’s unwavering faith in God despite his success in the crazy world of Hollywood is truly inspiring. No wonder he’s had so much success in movies, because he definitely has God on his side! 

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