A judge has threatened rapper Cardi B after she failed to show up for her court date. Back in August the rapper was accused of not only assaulting two bartenders at a club but leading her posse in severely injuring them.

According to TMZ, prosecutors in the case asked the judge to issue a bench warrant for Cardi B. The prosecution had already given Cardi B and her legal team a 6-week extension. While the judge declined to issue the warrant, he did give Cardi B’s lawyers a stern talking to. He rescheduled the court date and demanded she show up in court on Friday or the warrant will most likely be issued.

Cardi B’s defense team allegedly revealed they’ve had a tough time contacting their client and that they only found out on Thursday that she had a previous commitment. They also appear to only be communicating with her through her management team.

Fox News reports Cardi B was arrested on October 1, 2018 and charged with two misdemeanors: assault and reckless endangerment. She voluntarily turned herself over to the New York Police Department.

Cardi B’s legal troubles come after two bartenders, Jade and Baddie Gi, were badly injured. Jade claims Cardi B ordered a beat down on her and her sister Baddie G. Not only is Cardi B accused of ordering the beat down, but she is accused of actively participating in it as both Jade and Baddie Gi claim Cardi B threw at least one bottle at them during the attack. They also report that Cardi B yelled, “I’m blood I’ll f*** you b****** up!” There is also a report that Cardi B threw a chair at an unintended target.

The two women were attacked at Angels Strip Club where five members who are allegedly associated with Cardi B used bottles, chairs, and an ashtray to inflict serious harm on the two bartenders. The injuries required both women to receive medical attention.

Cardi B appears unphased by her legal troubles as she recently posted a video to Instagram of her eating some crab legs on a private plane stating, “Good veneers.”

What do you make of Cardi B’s recent legal troubles? Do you think she will skip out on her rescheduled court date on Friday?

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