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Meghan Markle Kirsten Gillibrand lobying cold calls paid parental leave
November 19, 2021
Senators are reportedly livid Democrat Kirsten Gillibrand gave Meghan Markle their private phone numbers to lobby for paid parental leave.
Meghan Markle lobbying Senators parental leave cold calls
November 10, 2021
Soon after cold calling US Senators, Meghan Markle said her lobbying for paid parental leave isn't political but a "humanitarian…
Meghan Markle Congressman Jason Smith lobbying Senators parental leave
November 5, 2021
Congressman Jason Smith called out Meghan Markle for using her royal title to lobby two Senators, saying that "she can't…
Meghan Markle lobbying cold call senators parent leave piers morgan
November 4, 2021
Meghan Markle shocked two Republican senators by cold calling to lobby for paid parental leave and Piers Morgan had a…