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Vietnam Veteran home invasion self defense Herbert Parrish Lois Parrish shotgun
February 18, 2021
An 82-year-old South Carolina veteran grabbed a shotgun off the wall and bludgeoned a home intruder to death with it.
window slams on rapper Jonathan Hernandez Taz UFO neck trying to burglarize Florida home
December 16, 2020
Justice came swiftly when the window of the Florida home an aspiring rapper was trying to burglarize slammed on his…
marine chases burglars Irish walking stick chicago electric company
November 20, 2020
An 81-year-old Marine chased burglars from his Chicago area home by knocking them in the head with his grandpa's Irish…
Wayne Newton
June 20, 2019
Legendary entertainer Wayne Newton went before a jury on Tuesday to admit that he fired a gun when his home…
army paratrooper wrong house
November 3, 2017
An Army veteran who had a scary experience with a burglar is using the incident to give back to veterans…