Vince McMahon announced that XFL is returning in 2020. And people had a lot of thoughts about it! Will it be a success? Probably not, but it will be different and certainly a spectacle.

Here are the best reactions on Twitter to the announcement!

A BIG (literally) ex-NFL star looking for a 3rd helping chance.

Johnny XFL?


Will the halftime show just be a monologue about Obama?

Vince didn’t always answer a question, but the opening rap sure did!

Some stats to explain Vince’s decision. But when will he launch his own diet soda?

There will be some interesting rules.

Vince’s competitors are always one step behind.

Did Vince just take a shot at Raw?

Here are the best responses to the XFL return from the WWE roster!

Nia Hate Me?

Maybe it’ll be a league for smaller players?

Every Gameday will be Rusev (Game)Day

And the best and last from over-worked Corey Graves

What do you think about the XFL return? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

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