The WWE release pattern continues with John Morrison leading the pack. Also, some of those let go are already speaking out.

John Morrison, Hit Row, Tegan Nox & More React To WWE Release

In what is becoming a regular pattern, WWE continues to release a number of superstars. About two weeks ago, 18 talented wrestlers were sent packing.

So, with those recently happening, we figured and hoped the releases would take a slight pause. Although, John Laurinaitis sent out an email about more main roster superstars being let go.

The latest list includes:

John Morrison, Hit Row (Top Dolla, Isaiah “Swerve” Scott & Ashante “Thee” Adonis), Tegan Nox, Drake Maverick, Shane Thorne and Jaxson Ryker.

Basically, some names are surprising and others are not.

Morrison re-signed with WWE after an eight year absence in 2019. He mostly worked with The Miz until recently.

Meanwhile, he seemed to be undergoing a gimmick change as someone who meditates for peace. Also, it should be noted that Morrison’s wife, Franky Monet, was also let go this month.

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Hit Row joined the main roster last month after a short time in NXT. The stable is now completely gone from WWE, with B-Fab being shown the door only weeks ago.

Tegan Nox was originally thought to be the winner of the Mae Young Classic before an ACL tear. Although, she suffered three of those during her WWE run.

John Morrison WWE Release

Like many others, she was sent to main roster with Shotzi Blackheart in July. The duo split during the latest WWE Draft.

WWE Seemed Unsure What Do With Certain Superstars

So, Drake Maverick came from Impact Wrestling and debuted as the 205 Live General Manger. Then, he was released in April 2020, but a promo he put on social media resulted in WWE keeping him around.

He spent the last few years in NXT and small programs on the  main roster. Also, he heavily feuded with everyone over the 24/7 Championship. 

Jaxson Ryker is another person from Impact Wrestling. He became part of the Forgotten Sons, but WWE dropped the stable after controversial tweets from Ryker.

This year, he partnered with Elias for a bit. Then, they went their separate ways and Elias might be getting repackaged. 

Shane Thorne debuted in NXT as part of the team TM-61. Then, he was selected to the main roster as part of Retribution.

Later, Thorne was renamed Slapjack and became the joke of the disastrous angle. Meanwhile, nobody from the previous stable is doing well.

WWE called all the releases “budgetary.” At this point, nobody is safe in WWE.

Basically, that includes NXT, main roster superstars, office workers, the TV crew and backstage agents. 

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