This weekend was Awesome Con in Washington, DC. Besides all the comic book and fantasy fans, there were a few wrestling fans and panels. On the first day of the ‘Con’ Jerry “The King” Lawler sat on a panel with the writer of the wrestling-themed Headlocked Comics, Mike Kingston.
Besides being a legendary wrestler, Lawler has made a career as an illustrator and sketch artist. The King is a very talented painter and drawer.
Lawler, who draws the covers for Headlocked, was asked what story he wanted to tell via comics. He said he wanted to tell the full story of his infamous feud with comedian Andy Kauffman from the 1980s. The two feuded on TV and in the ring and were so convincing in their hatred that an incident on the David Letterman’s Late Night show had wrestlers banned.
I would love this. Even though the story was partially told in Man on the Moon it didn’t get the depth and respect it deserved. This is one of the most interesting and infamous feuds in wrestling history. It made Jerry Lawler a household name and added to the mystery and absurdity of Kauffman’s legendary career.
Lawler also discussed the recently re-discovered tape of his “feud” with legendary Batman Adam West.
Watch (most of the) the discussion with The King and Headlocked Comics’ Mike Kingston below:
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