American war veterans are people who have put their lives on the line for the American flag, so when they see this flag being disrespected by the American people, it’s like a slap in the face for them.

That’s why a veteran of the Korean War is speaking out this week to blast city officials in his hometown of Independence, Iowa after they voted to take down a giant American flag because the cost of maintaining it was too expensive. Fox News reported that veteran Bill Coulter just appeared on “Fox & Friends” to reveal that it only costs the town $10 a month to maintain the flag and that he’s even willing to pay this bill himself just to keep the flag up.

He explained that he is preparing to present a proposal to the city council to have individuals and veterans groups pay for the flag.

“We want to get the city out of this altogether and do it with private funding,” Coulter said.

However, Coulter’s daughter Carol Quass said that the burden of paying for the American flag should not fall on veterans and their families.

“The vets should not have to pay for that — they’ve already paid, paid with their lives sometimes,” Quass said. “It’s sad that there’s many other things in the community that they pay for that don’t have the significance of the American flag.”

Disrespecting the American flag has become more and more accepted by the liberal masses in the U.S. in the past few years. Most infamously, NFL players have taken to kneeling during the national anthem before their games to protest against racial inequality. In doing so, they are disrespecting the American flag and the sacrifices veterans like Coulter have made for it.

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