I always do my best to never forget anniversaries with my wife. But sometimes I slip up, just like this guy:

She Said It Was A Special Day, So Her Husband Sprang Into Action Without Knowing…

“I bet you don’t know what day this is”, said the wife to her husband as he made his way out the front door.

The husband was perplexed, but was always a quick thinker:

“Of course I do, my dear. How could I forget!?” With that, he turned and rushed to catch the bus for work.

At 10 AM, the doorbell rang and when the woman opened the door, she was handed a box containing a dozen long stemmed red roses.

At 1 PM, a foil wrapped, two pound box of her favorite chocolates arrived.

Later, a boutique delivered a designer dress. The woman couldn’t wait for her husband to come home.

The husband was smug when he returned from work, satisfied that he had recovered what could have been a very bad situation.

His wife was indeed surprised: “First the flowers, then the chocolates and then the dress!” she exclaimed, “I’ve never had a more wonderful Groundhog Day in my life!”

Wow. At least he’ll be out of the dog house for a long time!

If you liked that story, you may also like “Why His Wife of 50 Years Never Stopped Calling Him ‘Sugar’

Share this story if you love your wife/husband!

Source: Jokes.ChristiansUnite.com

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