I don’t miss test-taking. All the hard work, studying, the anxiety over the grade – I hated it! One teacher has great pleasure in giving out tests for one reason. When you see it, you won’t believe it!
Changing The Test Questions
A student visited his old school, 20 years after his graduation, and met an old Science professor of his.
The professor happened to be grading exam papers.
The student was surprise to notice that the questions were exactly the same as they were two decades ago.
He asked the professor about the possibility of the leakage of the exam paper such that the students would have known the questions in advance.
The professor smiled wryly and answered, “Don’t worry about that, my dear boy. I’ve changed the answers every year.”
Wow. What an easy way to distribute tests!
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Source: Jokes.ChristiansUnite.com
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