If you or anybody you know suffers from migraine headaches, you know they are awful. But there is a treatment involving a banana that sounds a little weird, but it works wonders!
The best part about this treatment is that it doesn’t come from some witch doctor or get-rich-quick schemer looking to make a quick buck. It comes from the Mayo Clinic.
Via Sharebly:
According to the Mayo Clinic, apply a cold compress to your head and neck when you have migraine pain. Place a banana peel on your forehead along with the ice. Your skin absorb extra potassium, and you’ll feel much better.
Here is a video with more migraine solutions:
Isn’t that amazing? Migraines are not gags, even though bananas sometimes are. I just think it’s crazy that a banana peel can help cure one of life’s biggest pains!
Share this with someone who suffers from migraines!
Source: Shareably
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