Mia Farrow Disney
source, wikimedia commons, David Shankbone https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Mia_Farrow_2012_Shankbone_2.JPG

Mia Farrow is at it again. The actress-turned-activist is mad at Disney for their promotion of the new film Home Sweet Home Alone. 

What did the entertainment giant do to incur the wrath of the star of Broadway Danny Rose? Well, the kid on the poster was wielding (fake) guns but worst of all, the kid was a WHITE MALE!

Mia Farrow’s Anti-Gun Agenda

This isn’t the first time the former Mrs. Woody Allen has railed against guns.

She is a frequent opponent of the 2nd Amendment and has gone so far as to declare that “humans are a species that should not have guns.” There’s no word yet on which species Farrow thinks should have guns. Perhaps pandas? 

Farrow, like a lot of Hollywood leftists, loves having guns in all of their movies but seems to draw the line at you and me owning them. 

Rosemary’s Crybaby

Mia Farrow, who in my opinion doesn’t have the best track record when it comes to knowing what’s best for kids, probably shouldn’t be throwing nerf guns in glass houses. 

This is the same sort of canard that scolds have always held — letting kids play with nerf guns is normalizing violence.

The problem is there is no evidence to support that.

Kids are smart enough to distinguish the real from the fake and any responsible gun-owning parent will teach their kids about the importance of gun safety.

Also, what’s with the race-baiting nonsense? Would she be OK with a Black kid wielding SuperSoakers and defending their house from intruders?

My question is, why do we care what Farrow has to say? She hasn’t been relevant in 30 years, has she? I really don’t care what the star of Radio Days has to share about any subject. 

This Movie Isn’t Good 

Let’s not get it twisted, Home Sweet Home Alone is a terrible movie.

It’s a soulless remake that is a nostalgia grab without any of the nostalgia attached.

In the original, you actually wanted to root for Kevin McAlister against the evil Wet Bandits. The new version shows a kid with zero redeeming qualities and humanizes the burglars. This post-modern insistence on justifying the actions of villains is ridiculous.

Did Shakespeare equivocate the actions of the Macbeths? Of course not. 

Anyway. Don’t see this movie because it isn’t very good, not because Woody Allen’s ex-wife said not to. 

Do you agree with Mia Farrow? Let us know in the comment section below.

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