Kevin Owens is one of the WWE’s top superstars. After making his debut as the NXT champion on the main roster, Owens has been on fire, and he shows no signs of stopping! Kevin Owens’ star is shining bright, so let us light up your day with five surprising facts about this WWE superstar.

1. French Is His First Language

Being able to speak French can do wonders for your heel status. Wait… I speak French too! Never mind… Either way, Kevin Owens’ first language is not English, it is French. Originally from Quebec, Canada, Owens had to teach himself English.

During interviews, Owens has stated he learned English by imitating Jim Ross.

Of course, this came with its own set of problems, with Owens saying he was surprised Americans do not use wrestling terms all the time. I agree with Owens though, how interesting would that be!

2. His Wrestling Name Is Super Special

Many wrestlers have a unique name, but in my opinion, Kevin Owens has one of the most special ones in the business. The “Owens” part of his name was chosen after his son “Owen,” who in turn was named after Owen Hart. It does not get more special than that!

3. He’s a Big Animal Lover

Kevin Owens is one of the biggest animal lovers in the WWE. He has several dogs and cats at home and even a pet toad! Yes, you’ve read it right, a pet toad!

Aside from sharing photographs of his beautiful dogs and cats regularly on Twitter, Kevin Owens is prone to visiting zoos in cities where he has a match. Of course, considering the little time wrestlers have, it is not always possible. But, if you want to run into Kevin Owens outside of wrestling events, the local zoo might be your best bet.

4. He Has More Than a Hundred Wrestling Moves

Owens has spent a lot of time in the indies before he made his way to the WWE. It indeed shows in the number of wrestling moves Kevin Owens has in his arsenal because he has more than a hundred! Blimey!

Of course, Owens does have some recognizable moves he uses a lot more than others. The moves I associate with Kevin Owens are the cannonball and the powerbomb. Still, Owens can be incredibly versatile in the ring; this is one of the reasons why I love seeing him in main events and pay-per-views, you never know what you can expect.

5. Owens Loves to Interact with Fans on Twitter

Owens is one of the most approachable WWE superstars on Twitter, even though his wife’s account got hacked at one point and he decided to shut things down for a while. One bad apple always ruins stuff, hate it when that happens.

Either way, Owens is still quite active on social media and Twitter specifically. He loves arguments with fans. He likes calling them up on bad grammar and even plays into kayfabe by speaking out about his feuds with fellow wrestlers. His social media is an exciting read.

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