WWE is doing everything it can to make it seem like the Undertaker isn’t showing up to Wrestlemania. They even had one final scene of John Cena begging and negging The Deadman to come back at the Raw before Wrestlemania.

It looked like Cena gave up on the legend showing up. Cena wouldn’t even wrestle on the card.

Cena put on a great infomercial for Wrestlemania.


Atlanta tried their best to call the Deadman back from the grave.

But it was to no avail. Instead, something even more unexpected happened.

But Cena didn’t leave without one final hit at the Phenom.


Then, Cena walked out.

That was it. No darkness, no GONG, no smoke, no flames. No Undertaker. They are really making us feel like the Undertaker is not facing off against John Cena at Wrestlemania in New Orleans.

Is the Undertaker Going to Show Up At Wrestlemania?

According to every rumor and report I have read, the Deadman will appear at Wrestlemania. It would have been nice to have him answer the challenge. But it seems like they have something special planned. The rumors are that we are getting the “American Badass” Undertaker complete with a Kid Rock performance and Taker entering in a sweet Harley. This would make sense as the Undertaker left his original hat and jacket in the ring at the end of last year’s show. That would be awesome.


What do you think? Is Taker or some version of him going to show up to Wrestlemania? Share your thoughts in the comment section below.

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