Lucha Libra dot gif

Image result for wrestling ring ropes fail

The man doing the kicking is Ultimo Guerrero, who is pretty much the Mexican Triple H. The person in the monkey suit is named KeMonito. This has to be the funniest wrestling gif of all time. I chuckle every time I watch it. It is absurd. Violent. There’s a guy in a monkey suit! It has everything. But now prepare yourself for the WORST fall from the ring EVER SEEN!

How did she survive this?

This one is included because it is hilarious. Also, Eva Marie was allegedly put into this match by the producers to teach her a lesson about being arrogant. This was one of the very few matches she worked on television. She was around for four years and never showed any substantial improvement. Good riddance. While this looks intentional and stupid, the final .gif looks accidental and AWESOME!

Gracefully exiting the ring

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This is actually not a botch. The man pulling off this dangerous fall is the wrestler Chris Hamrick. The move is appropriately enough called the “Hamrick Bump.” This was done in the early 90s too. Back then jumping out of the ring was saved for the rare PPV main event or a high-flyer spectacular.

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Did we miss one of your favorite “scary” or silly moments? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

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