If you have been following the JBL-saga over the past couple of weeks, you already know about the bullying accusations. Due to the tremendous response of WWE fans, the WWE and JBL were forced to make a statement. Unfortunately, JBL’s apology, or the lack thereof, has angered many wrestling fans (me included!)

The “Apology”


The following statement was made by JBL this week: “Admittedly, I took part in locker room pranks that existed within the industry years ago,” Layfield told Newsweek in a statement. “WWE addressed my behavior and I responded accordingly, yet my past is being brought up because of recent unfounded rumors. I apologize if anything I said playing ‘the bad guy’ on a TV show was misconstrued.”

Let me give you my unsalted opinion. This is not an apology! JBL refers to his behavior in the past, which has not been addressed by the way, even though he claims it has been (if only those bullied superstars on the current roster could come out of the woodwork). He doesn’t take any responsibility for bullying behavior behind the scenes but blames it all on the character he plays. Really?

Why Fans Are Angry!


The WWE and JBL simply don’t get it! The reason fans are angry is because this problem is not being addressed. Even though a statement made by the WWE claims that there is an investigation going on, it seems like everything is hush-hush and being covered up (just like bullying allegations against JBL have conveniently disappeared in the past).

Look, I’m not asking to fire JBL, even though I have used the hashtag #FireJBL to draw attention to this subject. What I want is the WWE to be transparent with the actions they are taking. Aside from their somewhat weak statement, and a non-apologetic statement from JBL, it is business as usual!

The Statement of WWE

Vince & the Panel

The WWE made the following statement resulting from the large fan response toward JBL’s bullying behavior behind the scenes: “As part of our commitment to creating an inclusive environment, in April 2011, WWE launched our anti-bullying campaign, Be a STAR, which encourages young people to treat each other with tolerance and respect.

“As a publicly traded company, that mantra carries forward in our corporate culture. As such, we fully investigate any allegations of inappropriate behavior including the recent alleged situation with John Layfield (aka JBL), despite no formal complaint having been submitted.”

Well, this response sounds like an advert, containing nothing concrete about the actions that will be taken or have been taking during this so-called “investigation”. They claim they are investigating the allegations, but immediately state afterward no formal complaints have been made. In other words, it’s not our fault and we can’t do anything. Maybe your superstars are too frightened to come forward?

JBL, Vince McMahon and Undertaker

Let’s say JBL’s bullying allegations are unfounded (which I highly doubt considering his lengthy track record of bullying), the WWE has the responsibility as a company to look into this. As a WWE fan, I expect some transparency from them, instead of trying to cover everything up and release a two paragraph statement that frankly says nothing at all! Of course, being friends with management seems to be paying off for JBL at the moment. One thing I do know, as a wrestling fan, Impact Wrestling seems worth my support more than the WWE.

Your thoughts on the never ending saga of JBL? 

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