No they didn’t! My girls, Diamond and Silk decided they couldn’t hold their tongues any longer. They’ve been watching the back and forth between the New Year’s Eve committee and diva Mariah Carey and have come to the conclusion they know what’s best for the iconic singer who turned in a bad performance on New Year’s Eve.

Everyone was talking about it and now neither of the parties involved want to claim it was their fault. Diamond and Silk do not care about the party that put on the festivities, they went directly at Carey, as if she should have know better

Buckle your seat belts, this one could be bumpy!

They had a lot of comments that supported their advice and some of them went like this:

Both of these ladies know how to bring the pain when they need to and Carey was in the wrong place at the wrong time. I actually think she should step away from the argument and go about her business because it’s not going to turn out too well for her if she continues to publicly argue.

But then again, I would go with Diamond and Silk’s advice, they know what they are doing.

What advice would you give Mariah Carey or is this just enough from Diamond and Silk? Share your comments below and add this story to your Facebook/Twitter page.

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