Chester Gryzbowski, WWII veteran

A 104 year old World War II Veteran just crossed something off his bucket list. Chester Gryzbowski dreamed of becoming an engineer, but like many in the Greatest Generation, he had to put his dream aside because of the reality of the Depression and then World War II.

After graduating from high school, Grzybowski couldn’t afford college. Like many his age, he joined the Civilian Conservation Corp and sent much of his paycheck back home to help support his immigrant parents. The war came and Chester served our country. The dreams of college never came true – until now.

The Centenarian is now a college student! Georgia Tech has made Grzybowski an honorary freshman. Check out the look on his face in the video below as this senior citizen joined the senior class!

We can’t do enough to thank the Greatest Generation. Their work ethic and patriotism made this country great.

Please share this to congratulate the new Georgia Tech Freshman!

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