Comedian and ventriloquist Jeff Dunham is using his merry band of puppets to spread some cheer as we all deal with a very untraditional holiday season. Laughter is the best medicine and he is dishing it out for us in his latest Comedy Central holiday special.

Our favorite ventriloquist has a special way of poking fun at today’s pandemic related nonsense. In fact, Jeff Dunham’s puppets can actually get away with saying what many of us are thinking.

People Mistake Jeff Dunham’s Puppet Bubba J For Tiger King

Country bumpkin Bubba J doesn’t understand the purpose of wearing masks as they interfere with his ability to drink. So, he wears a different kind of mask. 

Fans of Jeff Dunham know this potbellied puppet throws down beers like many of us drink water.

In addition to getting tipsy or drunk during 2020, he’s also been spending a lot of time dealing with mistaken identity.

People are mistaking Bubba J for the Tiger King!

Bubba J doesn’t understand much about the pandemic, but that’s typical. He doesn’t understand much about anything except drinking beer. 

You can watch Bubba J and Jeff Dunham in the hilarious video below. 

This very untraditional Dunham special was filmed outside to accommodate COVID-19 restrictions.

The very limited audience of about 100 people was chosen through social media. Anyone attending had to first get medical clearance.

RELATED: Jeff Dunham’s Meeting Gets Video Bombed And The Chaos That Follows Is Hilarious

Dunham typically performs in very large venues so this was a completely different change of pace, but they definitely had fun with it. 

Comedy Central Christmas Special Audience Selected Through Social Media

“We put it on social media on a first-come, first-serve basis and everyone else got put on a waiting list,” Dunham said.

“It filled up instantly. Everyone had a COVID test three days in advance — people had to jump through fiery hoops to get to these shows. The worst audience in the world is one that gets in for free and without incident. They’re always judgmental.

Jeff Dunham’s Completely Unrehearsed Last-Minute Pandemic Holiday Special was exactly that – unrehearsed. There wasn’t much time to rehearse.

So the hilarious holiday special went from an idea to completion in just two months. Other specials take 18 to 24 months to develop. 

“I didn’t try out a single joke before [taping],” he says. “Not on my wife, my friends or business associates. When I walked onto the stage that night I’d never said these jokes out-loud to anyone on the planet. Only one bit was repeated, from my first time on ‘The Tonight Show’ with Johnny Carson in 1990. I wanted to bring that back because it’s been a classic staple in my act for a decade.”

Thank you to Jeff Dunham, Bubba J, and all his puppets for bringing extra cheer to the holidays with this very funny Comedy Central special.

READ NEXT: Watch Jeff Dunham’s Puppet Achmed Sing His Own VERY Non-PC Rendition Of ‘Jingle Bells’

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