Liberals are up in arms right now over the way migrants are being treated at the United States’ border with Mexico. They have spent the last few days trying to make President Donald Trump and his supporters look like monsters because of reports that migrants are being teargassed at the border.

The left is conveniently ignoring the fact that migrants were being treated the exact same way when Barack Obama was in office, yet liberals were not outraged at all about this then. On Wednesday’s episode of the ABC talk show “The View,” Abby Huntsman and Meghan McCain confronted their liberal cohosts with facts about what Obama did at the border. As often happens when liberals are confronted with facts and logic, her leftwing cohosts reacted by throwing a massive temper tantrum.

Obama also teargassed migrants

The Daily Wire reported that the segment began with Whoopi Goldberg bringing up a National Review piece that pointed out that the media ignored what was happening at the border when Obama was in office. Though the National Review is a well-respected news source, Joy Behar refused to believe it.

“Do they have a photo like that when Obama was in office?” Behar asked.

“Homeland Security data does validate that, that it happened multiple times, more than once a month in fact during the Obama years,” McCain fired back.

That’s when Huntsman went in for the kill, hitting her liberal cohosts with the facts that she had come armed with:

“In that piece it said over a period of four months in 2014 under the Obama years HHS allegedly placed a number of unaccompanied children into the hands of a ring of human traffickers, who forced them to work on egg farms in and around Ohio, leading to a federal and criminal indictment. According to the indictment the minors victims were forced to work six and seven hours a week, 12 hours per day. These are the things we don’t talk about.”

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Having absolutely no way to argue against this, her liberal cohost Sunny Hostin responded by throwing a huge temper tantrum, just as a child would when she doesn’t get what she wants.

“The last I checked President Obama is no longer in office,” Hostin screamed. “President Trump is in office!”

“And he’s destroying the country!” Behar chimed in.

“I don’t care what Obama did!” Hostin yelled. “I care what Trump is doing right here, right now!”

Liberals conveniently ignore what Obama did

Any conservative who has tried to argue with a liberal has seen a reaction like this before. Liberals are especially “triggered” these days when someone uses facts to condemn their beloved Obama, who they still treat as some kind of God.

The fake liberal outrage over the situation at the border is yet another example of the left’s obsession with doing everything they can to take down Trump. They can’t go after Trump with something real and valid because he truly is doing an amazing job leading our country, so they are left with no choice but to try and blame things that Obama did on the current president.

Hostin and Behar can cry all they want to, but it’s not going to change the fact that Trump is well on his way to being reelected in 2020.

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