Everyone seems to want to weigh in on washed up quarterback Colin Kaepernick’s refusal to stand for the National Anthem. Singer John Legend has now stepped up have his voice heard. And after what he has said, I won’t be listening to or buying his music ever again.

Legend took to Twitter to disparage the National Anthem.

What an ego on this man! He thinks he’s one of the best at singing a song he hates. Then why does he take money to sing a song that he hates so much? He sang at the NBA Finals. Why did he do that if he doesn’t like the song?

He went on to make suggestions for replacing the National Anthem and he essentially called the lyrics of the Star Spangled Banner racist by linking to an article that said it’s about slavery.

What an idiot! Why is everything racist in the Obama era? This song was written about the War of 1812.

Since Legend doesn’t like the National Anthem, he shouldn’t sing it anymore. Let someone sing it who appreciates our country and the song. This spoiled star doesn’t deserve the honor of singing it at a public event again!

Please share this if you think John Legend shouldn’t sing a song he hates!

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