Deadliest Catch fans tuned in to see what happened to Sig Hansen Tuesday night after he experienced heart issues in recent episodes. Many were concerned that Hansen had another heart attack.

Hansen almost died after his massive heart attack last year, so nobody wanted to take any chances this time around. His pain persisted even after taking medicine. “Last time, I didn’t think it was anything and it was a heart attack. So that’s what got me all freaked out,” Hansen said. He was taken to Anchorage for extensive testing following the scary incident.

After several hours of tests, the doctors said Sig’s heart looked good but his stress test had some irregularities.

In the video below, Sid’s doctor explains the potential problems associated with his recent heart attack:

What great news that his heart is okay! Many Deadliest Catch fans were very concerned after Sig had such intense chest pains.

Please share this story with your friends and family if you are praying for Sig to make a speedy recovery!

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Source: Fox News

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