Former Tonight Show host Jay Leno has continued to surprise veterans for decades while not looking for praise or accolades. When I learned of this kindness, I was amazed and astonished that I had missed so many blessings he bestowed upon my military brothers and sisters.

Spc. Stephanie Morris has a story to tell and I won’t get too much into how she was hurt because I want you to experience the video below like I did. Leno shows up and takes this young soldier for a ride around the state of Virginia. They even landed on President George Washington’s front porch on Mount Vernon. It was there that they took the opportunity to talk and get to know each other.

Then, he gave her two huge surprises that she wasn’t expecting, and neither will you. This is a wonderful story!



You can learn more about Stephanie’s heroic experiences and her optimism about the future in the video below. If you support our veterans, this video will make your day!

This is a great story and I am betting that you probably dropped a couple of tears along the way. I applaud Jay Leno for this beautiful act and sharing this awesome soldier’s story with us.

Unfortunately, many Americans are so focused on their own problems that they forget about the sacrifices our soldiers make for us every day. Morris was the only one who survived that day. Her push to survive and thrive after a horrific and life-changing experience is a testament to her drive.

Jay Leno reminds us that we can never forget our military veterans and all they do to protect our freedoms!

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Source: YouTube

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