As “Fixer Upper” fans said goodbye to the show as its final episode aired this week, Joanna Gaines posted a letter that explained what their plans are for the future. It’s actually an exciting time personally and professionally for the Gaines family.

It’s hard to say goodbye to such a loving couple, but it should be celebrated that they are putting their family first! With the upcoming birth of their fifth child, they are changing their work schedule to be able to spend more time with their kids.

On their Magnolia website, Joanna wrote, “This season of life has been rewarding, challenging, unbelievably fast and furious and nearly everything in between. Back in September when Chip and I posted the blog announcing that this season would be our last, it still seemed so far away. At the time, we were knee-deep in the restaurant renovation, we had filming left to wrap up, and we were working toward finishing up several projects. April felt like it was forever away, but somehow it snuck up on us. Time is funny like that, the days sometimes seem long, but the weeks, months and even years fly past us when we least expect it.”

She also stated that she very much enjoyed this final season of “Fixer Upper.” One of her favorite memories was helping a family with two boys they met through The Tim Tebow Foundation. Joanna also excitedly announced that their new restaurant Magnolia Table is finally open! Her cookbook of the same name is coming out later this month.

Chip and Joanna will continue renovating new homes. They also are building 20 new homes in the Waco area as well!

Finally, she addressed her pregnancy and the excitement of having another child. “For us, the end of this final season marks the beginning of a new one. If you would have told me that I’d end this season of the show pregnant with our fifth baby, I would’ve laughed,” Joanna wrote. “Like the entire Fixer Upper opportunity as a whole, life has a way of surprising us. With our little ones getting bigger, we had this gut feeling that it was time to step back and focus on them and our businesses here in Waco, Texas. And although that’s why we thought we decided to step away from the show, we now realize with this little one on the way that there was a bigger plan in place for us all along.”

She continued, “Pregnancy has been so fun, in fact, my two favorite things to do are take naps and eat! Since it’s been over eight years since I was pregnant with Emmie Kay, I joke with my friends that it feels like it’s my first time being pregnant. The best thing about all of this is the excitement that my kids have shown for their new baby brother. Since I had our first four babies so close to one another, none of them actually remember me being pregnant. They love my growing belly (and boy is it growing), and they cannot wait to meet him. I truly believe this baby is a gift from God for our family in this season.”

Chip and Joanna Gaines will still be doing what they love, just without the pressure of being followed by cameras. While we will miss their show, they should be applauded for putting their children first. These precious young years are short and they certainly fly by quickly! That is time a parent can never get back!

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Source: Liftable

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