The War on Men is now an official part of college life at the University of Texas at Austin. Masculinity is being treated similarly to a mental disorder at The Counseling and Mental Health Center. The MasculinUT program helps male students “take control over their gender identity and develop a healthy sense of masculinity.”
The program is organized by the counseling center as if masculinity is a condition. The University is seeking to help men reach a “healthy model of masculinity.” They believe it is wrong to say someone should “act like a man,” or discussions encouraging traditional gender roles of males. The Counseling and Mental Health Center at UT Austin doesn’t want males to be encouraged to be “successful” or a “breadwinner” as that is perceived by these academics as being sexist and elitist on some level.
College campuses have taken a hard left turn with regards to gender issues, but it appears the University of Texas is taking that even further by seeking to make men more effeminate.
The University even takes issue with a man saying he wants to take care of someone. The MasculinUT program believes the “traditional ideas of masculinity place men into rigid (or restrictive) boxes [which]… prevent them from developing their emotional maturity.”
At the core of this program, it appears they are “womansplaining” to the men on campus. This program states, “If you are a male student at UT reading this right now, we hope that learning about this helps you not to feel guilty about having participated in these definitions of masculinity, and instead feel empowered to break the cycle!”
More information about this alarming program is in the video below.
The University was forced to respond after being called out for the perceived discrimination of this program. They now claim this is a program about sexual assault and violence that seeks to help men take responsibility for their actions and have healthier relationships.
In a statement, the University said, “It has become clear that some of the communication and discussion surrounding MasculinUT did not convey this fully or clearly and was not effective at reaching the broad audiences the program envisioned. As a result, we will be reviewing the website and other content to ensure that it serves the program’s goals and will make any appropriate changes as we receive feedback from stakeholders.”
This explanation really doesn’t help the situation. Sexual assault isn’t a masculine trait. It’s the trait of criminals. The University of Texas’s rollout of this program and the follow-up statement appears to cast a wide neat over all males.
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Source: PJ Media
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