College campuses are hotbeds for liberal indoctrination. So much so that it even happens in the great state of Texas. College English professor Rebecca Bell-Metereau is being called out by conservative students for making accusations of racism against President Trump and his supporters. They have a recording and a quiz from her Introduction to Film class as proof.

This is centered around Bell-Metereau’s discussions about the “BlacKkKlansmen,” directed by Spike Lee. The movie centers around the true story of a Colorado detective who went undercover to expose the Ku Klux Klan.

Texas College Republicans Release Recording Of College Professor Defaming Trump

The Texas College Republicans released an audio of a student asking the professor about the ending of the movie which shows Donald Trump and KKK Grand Wizard David Duke. Bell-Metereau responds that “there was never any distancing from white power,” from President Trump after the 2017 Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville.

Listen to that audio in the tweeted video below

Campus Reform asked the professor, who previously ran as a Democrat for the Texas House of Representatives, about her response. She regrets nothing and claims that her rights were violated because she was recorded without her permission.

In a statement to Campus Reform, Bell-Metereau claims that the audio, “…was recorded without my permission, which violates copyright, since my lectures are my intellectual property.”

Bell-Metereau added, “it is my voice and I made the comment about Stephen Miller that his online materials include a number of white nationalist and white supremacist posts. Given that Miller is a senior White House advisor to the president, I commented that this is a problem for our nation.”

Since then, Trump has condemned racism, saying “those who cause violence in its name are criminals and thugs, including the KKK, neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and other hate groups that are repugnant to everything we hold dear as Americans.”

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Liberal College Indoctrination

This isn’t the only accusation of liberal bias against the Texas State professor. Who also wrote a book titled Transgender Cinema.

On a quiz, the college professor asked students if President Trump’s “America First” slogan is a Ku Klux Klan principle. A picture of that quiz is in the tweet below.

Metereau-Bell held firm when challenged, stating that it is actually an acceptable and correct answer. She stated that she does not share her personal opinions in class and these are only facts.

Like many liberals, this professor believes so strongly in her opinion that she is mistaking it as a truthful fact.

Liberal indoctrination on college campuses have many parents wondering if a college education is worth the cost anymore.

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