Senior citizens are heading to the range and gun stores in record numbers. The demographic has seen a 400% rise in firearms training since 2010.

The reasons for this are two fold. Gun sales in general have skyrocketed during the Obama presidency as the Gun Grabber in Chief repeatedly attempts to limit our Second Amendment rights. And with so much crime targeted at senior citizens, they don’t want to be sitting ducks.

Seventy one year old Joan Eshelman got her concealed handgun license. She wanted to be able to protect herself.

“There were so many home invasions and you hear about so many things that happen when people are walking down the street, so I thought it was time. I feel very secure. I know I have a concealed carry permit and I know if I needed to, I could defend myself and my family.”

Granny, get your gun! It’s time to protect yourself!

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H/T: Breitbart

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