Michael Rotondo is the poster child for everything that is wrong with millennials. The 30-year-old New York man has been mooching off his parents for the past eight years. After asking him to move out of their home, his parents decided to sue in order to evict him and he’s still trying to stay.

The man is well past the age that he should have moved out of his parents’ house, but he argued with a judge for a half an hour about why he should be permitted to continue staying rent free when his parents want him gone. Most people would be embarrassed that they have worn out their welcome with their own parents. Not this loser. Instead, he is seeking the spotlight and having press conferences.

The Rotondos clearly failed their son as he doesn’t appear to have any drive to support himself and is incredibly entitled. They gave Michael several letters asking him to leave. They even offered him $1100 to help him find a new place. But, he ignored it all and demanded to stay.

Their February 18th letter that offered him the cash told him it was time for him to move out, sell his belongings to help himself financially, and move his broken car.

“There are jobs available even for those with a poor work history like you,” the letter stated. “Get one — you have to work!”

Mark and Christina Rotondo have had enough of their freeloading adult son. They are seeking an order that is enforceable by a sheriff who can physically remove the squatter from their own home.

Michael Rotondo is seeking a six-month extension for eviction. When the judge refused his request and ordered the deadbeat to leave his parents’ home, Rotondo said the judge was being “outrageous.” After leaving the courtroom, Rotondo was too stupid to realize he should be embarrassed. He held a press conference in the hallway. He played with his long hair and tossed it in a ponytail while he was speaking with the media. Apparently, he fancies himself a freeloading Fabio.

Part of the court proceedings and the press conference can be viewed below.

Rotondo has no problem staying in a home where he isn’t wanted. He doesn’t have any pride as he continues seeking out the nearest camera. He spoke with another reporter to whom he stated that his parents didn’t demand that he leave until several months ago when he lost custody of his son.

Things must be pretty bad with this loser if he lost custody of his son. Of course, if he can’t figure out how to take care of himself, he should not have custody of a child. He wouldn’t be able to teach his son how to grow into a man when he still hasn’t figured that out at age 30.


What a laughingstock this man is. He’s the perfect spokesperson for millennials!

Share this if you think it’s time for this freeloader to move out and get a job!

Source: Washington Post

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