Marriage isn’t a laughing matter, but it started off as that for a Minnesota couple who tied the knot after making a friendly pact about getting married.

Kimberley Dean and Ron Palmer met in 1981 in grade school. When he was a senior and she was a freshman. They dated until he graduated because he wanted to be young and free. But, with each heartbreak they experienced, these two would always get back in touch. They remained close friends to this day.

Decades ago, they were both alone so they decided to make an agreement. If neither of them was married by age 50, they would wed. “Ron was talking about all his benefits through work and not having anyone to give them to,” Kimberley said. “Just jokingly, I said, ‘The last one who turns 50, which would be me, if I’m not married and you’re not married, we’re just going to marry each other.’ He said, ‘Done!’ — never imagining any of this would happen.”

Both married other people and then got divorced. Kimberley had two kids from her marriage. For decades, they didn’t feel compelled to give dating a second shot, but they always remained in touch.

“I don’t think six months ever went by in all this time that we weren’t in contact,” Ron said. “She helped me a lot. After my marriage and with me having numerous girlfriends over the years, I would always call Kim when I had something to complain about: ‘Why do women do this?’ She was my go-to person.”

Their song was REO Speedwagon’s “Keep on Loving You.” Even though they weren’t a couple for a very long time, they would call each other when they heard it on the radio.

Then in the summer of 2016, things began to change for these former flames. They were spending more time together and Kimberley decided to ask Ron an important question.

“I don’t remember exactly what I said but it was along the lines of: ‘What do you think if we try this again?’” Kimberley remembered. “There was a lot of hesitation on his part. He told me later he worried that, if a relationship didn’t work, we would lose one of the very best friends we ever had.”

They gave it a shot and ultimately these two friends who jokingly made a pact about getting married after age 50 did just that! This is a case where love does win!

Kimberley Dean Ron Palmer

You can hear from these newlyweds in the video below.

They both say that they always loved each other. But, they believe they needed time to grow before getting married. The timing wasn’t right until now. After 37 years, this will be their first summer together as man and wife.

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Source: Today

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