The wild can be a dangerous place. The rules are either kill or be killed. While a crocodile is a rather fierce predator, it is no match for one hippopotamus, let alone an entire bloat of them!
Amazingly, a crocodile must have thought that he could snag a hippo from the dozens bathing and swimming in a body of water, but he tried to bite off way more than he could chew! Hippos are fierce animals and incredibly territorial. They are strong and vicious, so a crocodile would be no match.
The video below details that fact very well. This pea-brained crocodile gets quite a beating as it attempts to invade the bloat of hippopotami. Watch and see if it ends as you imagined.
That croc is lucky to have escaped alive, though it may have died later due to injuries from the brutal attack. Hippos have large tusks and incredibly powerful jaws and that crocodile got bit quite a few times. A crocodile’s teeth are no match for a hippo!
Hippos should never be underestimated or trusted. They may look cute but they are not naturally sweet. Their strength and territorial nature are lethal. The best way to see the pure strength of the hippo is to watch two of them fight each other. In addition to being strong, they are quick. That’s quite a surprise for such a bulky animal.
The video below demonstrates the strength of this magnificent animal. As over 50 hippos descend upon a lake, the resident bull isn’t too happy about a visiting bull trying to take his top spot!
If you enjoy seeing a crocodile get a beat down, click here to see a herd of elephants take one down after it tried to attack one of the members of their herd.
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