Joy Behar loves nothing more than attacking Donald Trump every day on her ABC talk show “The View.” However, she reached a new low during Friday’s show, when she went after Trump’s skills as a father.

“Yesterday, Trump held a press conference about ‘whatever’ and he talked about his son Don Jr. getting subpoenaed by a Republican-led Senate Intelligence Committee,” Behar began, according to Fox News. “And he actually sounds like he cares about someone other than himself in this clip.”

In the video, Trump defended his son, describing him as a “good person” who was “totally exonerated” by Special Counsel Robert Mueller.

“My son testified for hours and hours,” the president said in the clip. “My son was totally exonerated by Mueller.”

Once the clip ended, Behar mocked Trump by suggesting that he was not a good dad.

“‘My son, my son,’ he kept saying; like as if he’s a real father. It was so touching,” Behar said sarcastically.

One thing that should never be questioned about Trump is the love he has for his children, as it’s been documented for decades that Trump is a hands-on father who has taught his children everything he knows. He spent years working closely with his three oldest children, and every one of his kids is absolutely devoted to him. With this attack, Behar showed that there is no criticism of Trump that is too below the belt for her. She is so hopelessly infected with Trump derangement syndrome that she will stop at nothing to humiliate and attack this president, going so far as to bash who he is as a father.

If someone had ever indicated that Barack Obama was not a “real father,” he or she would have been accused of being racist and would have immediately been blacklisted by Hollywood. Since Behar made this attack on Trump, however, she is facing no consequences for her horrific words. However, if Behar has any class, she should stick to criticizing Trump’s policies and stay away from his family.

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